

Changes the text and color of a generic label device.


Name Required Multiple Values Description
DEVICE yes yes Device(s) to change
TO yes no New text
COLOR no no New color. If omitted, color is set to black
Name Required Multiple Values Description
FOR no no
Determine how long this new label lasts
before we change back to the previous label
AFTER no no After how long do we want the new label to be set


Units for FOR and AFTER

  • HOUR
  • DAY


IF 1 == 1 THEN label DEVICE tempLabel TO on
IF 1 == 1 THEN label DEVICE tempLabel AND humiLabel TO No information
IF 1 == 1 THEN label DEVICE tempLabel TO 23.5 FOR 10 SECOND
IF 1 == 1 THEN label DEVICE tempLabel TO Bell rang AFTER 30 SECOND
IF 1 == 1 THEN label DEVICE tempLabel TO None FOR 10 MINUTE AFTER 30 SECOND

Changed in version 8.1.0..

IF 1 == 1 THEN label DEVICE tempLabel TO on
IF 1 == 1 THEN label DEVICE tempLabel AND humiLabel TO 'No information'
IF 1 == 1 THEN label DEVICE tempLabel TO 23.5 FOR '10 SECOND'
IF 1 == 1 THEN label DEVICE tempLabel TO 'Bell rang' AFTER '30 SECOND'
IF 1 == 1 THEN label DEVICE tempLabel TO None FOR '10 MINUTE' AFTER '30 SECOND'