
Various usefull functions for date and time manipulations

table pilight.datetime.strptime(string datetime, string format)

Parse a time/date string based on a given format. Refer to the date_format page for the formatting characters supported.

local array = pilight.datetime.strptime("6 Dec 2001 12:33:45", "%H:%M:%S %d %b %Y");
print(array['year']); -- 2001
print(array['month']); -- 12
print(array['day']); -- 6
print(array['weekday']); -- 4
print(array['hour']); -- 12
print(array['min']); -- 33
print(array['sec']); -- 45

array = pilight.datetime.strptime("2016-10-16 21:04:36", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
print(array['year']); -- 2016
print(array['month']); -- 10
print(array['day']); -- 16
print(array['weekday']); -- 0
print(array['hour']); -- 21
print(array['min']); -- 4
print(array['sec']); -- 36